In the wake of a recent failed effort to repeal Indiana’s no-credit law, the ISBAA will hold a debate on the issue during its annual membership meeting. ISBAA had taken a position in opposition to the repeal of no-credit. The meeting will be held at the Blue Chip Casino in Michigan City, Indiana, Saturday, May 18.
I have agreed to participate in the debate arguing in favor of repealing Indiana’s no-credit law as a means of competing with the ten percent cash bond option favored by the majority of Indiana counties. Some of the reasoning behind this position can be found in my recent blog, Effort to Repeal No-Credit Fails.
All Indiana bail agents are urged to attend the meeting in Michigan City. In addition to discussing whether or not to repeal the no-credit law, the Indiana Legislature’s Study Committee on Bail convening this summer will also be discussed at length.
The commercial bail market in Indiana is being adversely impacted by the expanded use of deposit bail. Because bail bonds are documented to be the most effective guarantee of appearance by criminal offenders, when the use of bail bonds decline, failures to appear and crime increase.
If you’re a bail agent in Indiana interested in the survival of your profession then there is no excuse not to attend this important meeting. I look forward to seeing you there.